Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Renshaw Baby #2

Most everyone already knows the exciting news - that Baby Renshaw #2 is on his way! He (or she!) will be arriving around November 21st.
Jonah will be 22 months old. We think two years apart is a pretty good spread.
We feel extremely blessed that it all worked out this way. We didn't want to wait too long for #2 since it took 3 years, countless doctors, 1 specialist and 2 miscarriages before we were blessed with the news that Jonah was on his way. So, just in case it took a while again, we started early with this one. Obviously, we didn't have to wait too long!

As of this last Sunday, Mother's Day, I am 12 weeks and SO glad to be over the first-3-months hump. I started showing really early this time. I guess my body just knows what it's doing and felt like showing it off.

Jonah is much too young to really know what's going on - but he's so full of love that we don't feel worried about bringing a new friend home for him. We're teaching him to call my tummy "Bean" to help with the transition after the baby is born. He thinks it's funny to pat my tummy and say "bea! bea!"
He's going to be such a great big brother!


Eloise Smith said...

Congrats Peggy!! What an exciting time! Hopefully your morning sickness is letting up and you can enjoy being pregnant. Good luck!

Becky said...

Wow, you ARE showing early! That's awesome :) Hope you don't get sick of it too soon, and that you feel better!

Shawna said...

With each pregnancy I started showing earlier but I didn't get as big at the end for some reason! Congrats!

Groverskate said...

Your so cute with your baby bump!