Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The magic of Jeanette!

Jonah has the best physical therapist ever! He's been seeing her for about 6 months now since he was taking his time deciding that he wanted to crawl. She is going to stay with him until he walks. I'm sure that we could have just left it all alone and he would have figured it all out eventually - but I'm so glad that we decided to go ahead and do it. Here are some of the benefits I've discovered:
1. It's free
2. Reassurance for Mommy
3. It works (ie-day of pt - no steppy step, day after pt - steppy step all the time!)
4. It's free
5. Jonah gets to have his friend come over for "playtime" every other week. He loves it!
6. She comes to us - we don't have to go anywhere!
7. Doctor visits without the nice

And now, we are almost walking! At Jonah's PT yesterday, Jonah started to stand up almost unassisted and do one-handed steppy step. It will probably be another month or so before he's ready to walk on his own, but I feel better every time I hear her say"he's improved so much since I last saw him!"
So here's a big shout out to Jeanette, our favorite doctor ever!
We're sure gonna miss you when you go on Maternity leave...

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