Friday, June 26, 2009

Jonah's 5 months old and I'm ready to take this blogging thing seriously...'s what was missed...

Jonah Allen Renshaw was born January 14th, 2009, 8:04am, 8 lbs 9 ozs, 21 1/2 in long, and I must admit...the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!

Let's fast forward through the last 5 months...

Jonah now has 2 teeth, he can roll over both ways in both directions, he laughs, smiles and FINALLY takes good naps! Of course he chews on everything he can get into his mouth, but his most favorite thing to chew on is fabric. Give him a blanket and he will roll and chew happily forever! He's just a fun little guy. I'm the luckiest mom in the world getting to spend my whole day playing with him!

He shows all the signs that he's ready to start regular food, but we're waiting until he's 6 months in an attempt to avoid food allergies. Poor little guy has some severe eczema so whatever we can do to prevent any other allergic reactions will be worth it. But that 6 month mark is coming pretty fast...I'm sure we'll have some great feeding pictures to post really soon...


Crafty Cowgirl said...

Yay! Hi girl! Here is my Blog u can follow me- and I will follow u - but it wont show up on ur thing that i follow cuz i have it set that way

Crafty Cowgirl said...

ps blogging is way fun! u can go to my blog for links to make music playlists, get cute backgrounds and make slide shows

Mackey Family said...

Peggy you are too cute! Your family is so sweet! I love to keep up on ya through FB and now your blog!!

Quinn said...

Wow, what a huge gap between blogs! And ye, you're boy is such a cutie! Isn't it incredible how fast the time flies?! In just a few weeks we'll be celebrating Franklin's 2nd birthday! So welcome to the blogging world!