Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome to the my first attempt at a blog page!

Although this Renshaw family was established almost 4 years ago, the fun is just beginning!

Dwight and I were married on January 21st, 2005. Here's one of my favorite pics from that day.

We had Hero, the cat, before we got married. Sahara joined our family just after our first anniversary and Ty was added a year later.

Hero, Sahara and Ty help to make up what is our current family, but we couldn't be more excited to be adding another member. Our first baby, a boy, will be arriving sometime around January 12th, 2009. He's sure been growing these past few months.

Here's a cute picture of Dwight, just so he doesn't feel left out.

The baby crib came in the same day that I became 28 weeks pregnant. We plan on putting it together this weekend. That means for fun pictures are on the way! Watch for updates.


Laurice said...

If Dwight is anything like Jeremy he wont ever read your blog and wont know he's not in the pictures.

Shannon Harris said...

OKay.... I've been watching for updates and they aren't happening. SO UPDATE ALREADY!!!